Become a Giving Circle Member

The Giving Circle is a geographically-focused fund, meaning that your contribution remains local and provides a direct benefit to nearby residents. Occasional social events provide opportunities to connect with others interested in philanthropy, raise awareness of the many needs and worthy causes that prosper with community support, and influence how the funds in the Giving Circle are spent. With no required time commitment, the Giving Circle is a collection of individuals who choose to pool their charitable gifts.


One Time Gift

Becoming a one-time or routine donor to EDHAF provides reliable and sustainable funding for our grants to the local non-profits that are doing so much to build and enrich our community.

Your one-time or re-occurring monthly or annual tax-deductible gifts will give EDHAF the critically needed resources to help build sustainable and long-term benefits to community members and those serving our neighbors with the greatest needs.

Event Sponsorship

Providing a sponsorship for EDHAF provides helpful funding for our fundraising efforts and events to that help raise crucial funds to invigorate local non-profits impactful missions with direct funding through our annual, competitive grant cycle.